Online Dating
2 Signs That Will Indicate If a Woman Really Likes You – Become an Expert in reading Female Body Language

2 Signs That Will Indicate If a Woman Really Likes You – Become an Expert in reading Female Body Language

This isn’t an easy subject to judge women is it? They say that what women do is only about 10% of the attraction, the fact of the matter is that it’s just the hard work that man has to do in order to get the woman for sure. The thing is that if you don’t do the right things she will definitely leave you and it’s about time that you become an expert in reading female body language.

I could spend all day telling you about different signs of attraction and how to read them, and perhaps you will not believe some of these signs, yet at the end of the day it all comes down to simply knowing what to look out for. When you’re out with a woman never allow her to get her hand on your arm if she is not comfortable around you.

Also if you are trying to hook a woman up and she is conversing with you about something make sure that you move your head to show her that you are listening. Also if you’re in a group where she is the only woman between the two of you also tilt your head to show her that you are interested in what she has to say too.

When it comes to intimacy if a woman likes you then touching her will automatically take place. She will find it extremely hard to stop you from putting your arm around her hugging her. She will also find it very easy to get you to kiss her and her attraction for you will only get stronger the longer you continue to do this. Don’t be surprised if you end up kissing her and she begins kissing you.

The next thing you need to do is to know what signs to look out for when a woman likes you. The first thing is that she always wants to go to your house. How can you get this? Well you could always hire a friend to give you a call and find out how she is doing. However if you do that isn’t always necessary and if you want to find out how to get her to visit you more then simply ask her to meet you at your place.

Your next best bet would be to arrange a date that has her visiting your house while at the same time telling her that her friends can only meet at your place. By doing that she will have to turn up at your place, but if she really likes you then she will also find a way to get the date to your place. It’s as simple as that. You can also ask her to text you a picture of the two of you if you can

The last thing you need to do is simply employ the tactic of touching. You want to touch her, but in a completely platonic way. platonic touching is when you touch a women while both of you are buddies. This is actually the way in which you touch a girl while not making it seem as if you are anything more than a friend. The best way to do this is by touching her hand. However bear in mind that you want her to be comfortable when doing this.

If she has to get her hand off you then it’s not going to go well. However if she touches you normally and with intent then it is the perfect start to seducing a woman. You will be able to tell how good she feels about you just based on how she reacts.

All of these things will help you to seduce a woman and are just a few ways to get a woman to fall for you. Remember that attraction is more potent than any kind of seduction so make sure that your seduction is done right if you ever want to seduce a woman.